Dorothy Myers lived in Chicago, the center of commerce, transportation, and industry for the Midwest.
In July of 1924, Dorothy received a postcard from her friend, Anglyn.
(I cannot decipher a last name- and possibly that of a second person – on the reverse of the postcard.)
Anglyn mailed the postcard from Benton Harbor, a city near Lake Michigan in southwest Michigan.
The area around Benton Harbor, was originally wetlands, fed by the St. Joe and the Paw Paw Rivers.
Construction of a canal in the mid-19th century enabled the city to become a center of trade and transportation.,_Michigan
The face of the postcard is a photograph of “Sunrise on St. Joe River”.
The location is noted as “Benton Harbor, Mich.”
Anglyn writes, “hope you are having as good a time as we are”.
The message concludes with the plea, “Write me soon.”
The hand-written addition of a Benton Harbor address could confirm that Anglyn lives there, or could raise a question about Anglyn’s temporary residence for the summer.
Dorothy saved the postcard in good condition throughout her life.
One hopes that Dorothy and Anglyn remained good friends and correspondents for many years.