Edgar and the Canoe – Elmer, New Jersey (1906)

Edgar lived in Elmer, New Jersey.

Elmer is a borough in southwest New Jersey – not far from the Delaware River.


In November of 1906, he received a postcard from his Aunt June (?) who mailed the greeting from Bridgeton, New Jersey.

Bridgeton is a city on the Delaware Bay, about 13 miles south of Elmer.


The face of the postcard is a lovely photograph of two young men in a canoe.

(I believe that the two figures are men; it is difficult to discern clearly the figure on the left, except for the trousers – which a young lady would not be wearing.)

The postcard lacks any indication of the photographer or of the publisher.

The scene is innocent and charming, and the message from Aunt June is innocuous.

Thus, it is a mystery why someone bolted out the full name of Edgar.

With photo filters and enlargement, it is possible to see Edgar’s first name, but the surname remains indecipherable to me.

Since childhood, I have loved canoes and this scene is appealing to me.

One hopes that Edgar and his aunt remained friendly correspondents for many years.


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“In Dreamland” – circa 1908

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