Miss Glen. Schwabe lived in Plainfield, a village in northeast Illinois.
Plainfield is between the cities of Naperville and Joliet.
(The name of our heroine is abbreviated as “Glen.”, perhaps, Glenda or Glenora, or some other variant.).
In October of 1913, Glen was celebrating a birthday.
She received a postcard greeting from her friend, Ella.
Ella wrote from Lockport, a city that developed as the headquarters of the Illinois & Michigan Canal in the 1850’s.
Lockport is about 8 miles southeast of Plainfield.
The face of the postcard is a lovely painting entitled, “October in New England”.
A towering tree sheds red leaves across a rustic lane, bordered by a stone wall and a staked fence.
In the near distance is a charming cottage.
This bit of original art was copyright circa 1910, but the name of the publisher is indistinct.
There appears to be an artist’s signature in the lower right, but I am unable to distinguish this, also.
On the reverse, Ella begins her message by asking. “When are you coming in (question mark).”
Ella quickly explains, “We have a new horse, but it is too wild for me to drive.”
Ella repeats the wish for a Happy Birthday that she inscribed on the face, and closes her message.
One hopes that Glen was delighted by the lovely scene, that the new horse became accustomed to Ella, and that the two friends were able to meet in the Autumn of 1913.