Girl With a Broom – circa 1910

We met Bessie Douglas in earlier postcard stories.

Bessie was growing up in Anselma, a small community that grew up around a mill on the Pickering Creek in Chester County of southeast Pennsylvania.

Anselma no longer has a post office; it is absorbed within the community of Chester Springs.

Sometime around 1910, Bessie was given a postcard.

There is a very faint “Happy Birthday” on the face, so it seems the pretty postcard was in celebration of that event.

An anonymous postcard artist created a charming drawing of a girl in a blue dress and red cap – the girl is sweeping snow with a broom.

Although not wearing gloves, the girl is protected by warm stockings and sturdy boots.

Beneath the drawing is an hand-written inscription, “from little Mable”.

I suspect that Mabel is a younger family member and that she did not write the greeting herself.

The postcard was printed in Europe, and Bessie preserved it in good condition within her large collection of postcards.

One hopes that Miss Douglass enjoyed a wonderful birthday and that she grew up with safety and contentment in Anselma.


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