This example of postcard art was copyrighted and published by the Ullman Manufacturing Company of New York in 1898.
On the face, a grandfather is “cornered”, about to run out of moves in a game of checkers.
His granddaughter watches him intently.
The child’s mother or governess hovers over the scene.
Illuminated only by a kerosene lamp, the scene appears much brighter than it would if one were actually playing by lamplight.
There is no indication of the artist who painted the cozy picture of domestic life.
The postcard illustration is not improved by the application of glittery outlines and highlights -such as the large blotches of glitter on the granddaughter’s dress.
The postcard was not mailed, but was preserved in excellent condition for 125 years.
Perhaps it was a grandparent who placed the postcard in a postcard album for repeated viewing and for safe-keeping.