“Greetings from the Jeweler” – Harrisburg, PA (circa 1935)

This is an advertising card that was mailed to customers of the firm, Kreman & Buser.

From the printed signature on the face, we know that the firm was located in Harrisburg- the capital city on the Susquehanna River in south-central Pennsylvania.


The card was mailed in an envelope which, alas, has not been preserved.

I believe that the Seasonal Greeting was printed in the late 1930’s.

The card does not identify the type of business managed by “Kreman & Buser”.

(In my idiosyncratic filing system, this is not a Christmas postcard, but an advertising card.)

Because there is no personal story attached to this card, I ignored it from some time – but recently renewed efforts to find some background to the company.

From several genealogical sites (with confusing differences in spelling and of a middle initial- which may be related to peculiarities of the Russian alphabet), I think I can identify the principal in the firm:

Jacob Kreman was born in the Ukraine in 1883 and immigrated to the United States as a child. 

There is extensive correspondence with the Social Security Administration in 1949 (which I cannot read due to a paywall) – probably related to incomplete birth records.

At some time around 1910, Jacob married Rachel Hoffman (born in Russia in 1891) in Harrisburg.

The couple had three children -Miriam, Samuel, and Helen.

Sadly, Rachel died in Harrisburg in 1932.

April, 1931, Harrisburg “Evening News”, Samuel, son of Jacob Kreman, returned to school after visiting parents

“J. Kreman” listed as a Harrisburg Business owner in the Harrisburg “Telegraph” in June, 1940.

“Kreman & Son” advertised jewelry repairs of all types in the Harrisburg “Evening News” in February of 1946.

Jacob Kreman, jeweler, died in Harrisburg in 1953, age 69.

Jacob and Rachel are buried in the Jewish cemetery, Chisuk Emuna (“Strengtheners of Faith of the Children of Russia”) Cemetery, in Harrisburg.


I have not yet found “Buser”.


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