Hazel Misses Sunday School – Doylestown, PA (1932)

In March of 1932, Miss Hazel Black lived on Harvey Avenue in Doylestown, PA.

(Doylestown is a borough and the county seat of Bucks County. The community is 25 miles north of Philadelphia and 15 miles northwest of Trenton, New Jersey.)

Hazel received a postcard from Mrs. Barnes, the Secretary of the Sunday School at Salem Reformed Church.

Hazel was in the Beginner’s Department of the Sunday School, so we may assume that she was a young child.

Hazel missed a Sunday School lesson, and the postcard was a reminder that her absence was noted with regret.

The postcard, published by the S.P. Company, was printed in the United States.

The face is illustrated with a drawing of two children; one bears a bunch of flowers.

A church rises in the distance.

A verse – entitled, “We Miss You” – expresses the sentiment that Hazel’s absence is recognized by her classmates.

I have found similar postcard reminders, from Sunday Schools in Churches of different denominations, mailed to youngsters who had missed a lesson.

We don’t know why Hazel was absent, whether her family was away, if Hazel was unwell, or if some other circumstance prevented the child’s attendance.

One hopes that young Hazel was well and happy and able to rejoin her Sunday School class.

Hazel did preserve the postcard, suggesting that she was pleased by the memory of Sunday School.

(At some time, the reverse of the postcard was used by someone to jot down figures.)


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