Mrs. W. H. Long lived in Wooster, the commercial center and college town in northeast Ohio.,_Ohio
We have seen other postcard stories related to Wooster:
In November of 1909, Mrs. Long was celebrating a birthday.
She received a birthday postcard from Jane, who seems to be living nearby.
The postcard was not mailed.
The face of the postcard shows a green pendant framed in gold.
Around the pendant are charming bouquets of pansies.
Inscribed upon the green pendant are the words, “Happy Hours Be Thine.”
The Publisher is not identified, but the image on the face was part of the series, “Friendship Flowers”.
On the reverse, Jane writes, “Wishing you many more Happy Birthdays”.
One hopes that Jane and Mrs. Long were able to meet in person and that the friendship endured for many years.