Kay was vacationing in Bermuda, a visit she had made at least once before.
(I have another postcard mailed by Kay from Hamilton, Bermuda in 1935.)
On Sunday, Kay attended services at the Church of St. Peter in the town of St. George’s – the oldest continuously- inhabited English settlement in the nation (indeed, in the New World).
(Jamestown, Virginia was not occupied continuously since its founding.)
(Both Jamestown and the islands of Bermuda were colonized by the Virginia Company, and the Anglican Church was established in each place.)
Here is a history of St. Peter’s Church, the oldest, continuously-operating Protestant Church in the New World.
Kay was thrilled to see that the service was performed using ancient, silver artifacts from the Church Treasury.
That afternoon, Kay sent a postcard illustration of the Church to her friend, Miss Mary Maar.
Miss Maar lived in Albany, the capitol city on the Hudson River in central New York State.
The postcard stamp, issued in May of 1937, features a portrait of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the “Queen Mother”), the grandmother of the current King.
The postmark proclaims Bermuda as, “The Isles of Rest”.
One hopes that Kay and her companion enjoyed other experiences in Bermuda and that Miss Maar was pleased to receive the postcard greeting.