Mr. G.H. Walton lived in Factoryville, a borough of Wyoming County, in northeast Pennsylvania.
The town was named for a woolen factory that once operated there.
Mr. Walton received a Christmas postcard from Mrs. Edna B. Smith of 640 Hinman Drive in Evanston, Illinois.
The postcard was mailed from Evanston.
The face of the postcard is adorned with an icy horseshoe, surrounded by sprigs of holly.
Within the arc of the iron shoe is a rural home in a wintry landscape.
“Merry Christmas Greetings” is printed in the lower right.
There are insignias of the printer or artist, but I do not recognize them.
Mrs. Smith has written, “Merchant” beneath the address, so it is possible that Mr. Walton was a shop-keeper.
These embossed postcard tokens of the holiday season were exchanged by the millions in the first decades of the twentieth century.
Many survive, as the recipients saved them and their heirs were reluctant to throw away the beautiful scenes.
We hope that Mr. Walton and Mrs. Smith felt the joy of the Christmas season.
#GHWalton, #FactoryvillePA, #MerryChristmasGreetigs, #Christmas, #EdnaBSmith, #EvanstonIllinois #merchant, #horseshoe, #December1909, #embossedPostcard