Mrs. Jacob Dohner lived in Palmyra, a borough in the Lebanon Valley of south-central Pennsylvania.,_Pennsylvania
Sometime near 1910, Mrs. Dohner received a postcard photograph of two young men.
The postcard was not mailed, so we do not know from whence Mrs. Dohner received it.
Alas, the photograph also lacks any indication of a studio or the place where the shot may have taken place.
Two well-dressed young men are posed in a traditional manner – one is seated, one stands close by with an arm resting on the back of the chair.
The seated young men, holding a black cap, has neatly-brushed dark hair.
The standing young man, holding a light-colored cap, has tousled hair of a lighter complexion.
The boys might be relatives of Mrs. Dohner, perhaps nephews; they could also be the sons of friends or have some other connection to the recipient.
That the photograph was preserved in good condition for more than a century, suggests that Mrs. Dohner had some affection for the young men.
Note: Jacob Dohner (1854-1928) is readily found on-line.
The Dohner family of Lebanon County is very large -there has been a “Jacob Dohner” in at least three generations.
The “Mrs. Jacob Dohner” of the photograph would be Mary Ann Gibble Dohner (1863-1949), the second wife of Jacob Dohner (Jacob’s first wife died in 1893).
Jacob Dohner has seven siblings.
In his two marriages, Jacob fathered 10 children.
Thus, there were many young men in the Dohner family – and the portrait may show two of them.
One hopes that these young men were happy and prosperous in the 20th century.