Mrs. A. J. Smith lived in Kansas City, the bustling port city on the Missouri River in northwest Missouri.,_Missouri
In August of 1928, Mrs. Smith received a beautiful postcard from A. Sutter.
The writer, and George, mailed the postcard from Venice – the magnificent city on the Italian coast at the northern edge of the Adriatic Sea.
The face of the postcard is a painting of a Venetian canal on which a gondolier steers his craft adeptly.
There is no indication of the artist who created this original postcard art.
The postcard was printed and published in Venice.
On the reverse, Ms. Sutter recounts how she helped a man conclude a purchase and exclaims at all the beautiful things for which you could spend money.
The spiritual treasures of Venice are not ignored; the writer finds the great Basilica of St. Mark to be “gorgeous”.
The writer and George have “been out on the canals several times” and they find that “every day brings surprises”.
Mrs. Sutter may have been traveling for her health, as she notes, “I am walking just fine now”.
The travelers are “very happy”.
One hopes that Mrs. Smith was pleased by the postcard greeting and the charming view of Venice, and that she heard more adventures of the trip when the Sutters returned home.