“My Merrie, Merrie Boys” – Orson, PA (1920)

Alba and Cora lived in the village of Orson, amid the lakes and mountains of northeast Pennsylvania.

In 1920, a branch of the “New York, Ontario & Western Railway” still connected the village to Scranton and helped to sustain the area creameries, dairies, a grain mill, a saw mill, and several hotels and stores.


At Christmas of 1920, Alba and Cora sent a postcard to their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mock.

The Mocks lived in Thompson, a borough about 6 miles northwest of Orson, in Susquehanna County, PA.


The postcard is a very attractive block print drawing of two young men in medieval garb dragging a Yule Log toward a Manor.

Beneath the charming scene are lines from a poem of the English poet, Robert Herrick.

“Come bring with noise,

My merrie, merrie boys,

The Christmas log to the firing!”


On the reverse, Alba and Cora write, “We are thinking of you and your dear little family”.

The couple express their hope that all are well and happy, and send wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.

Written on the side is an addendum: “We will be there Tuesday with bells on”.

One hopes that the family enjoyed a gladsome reunion for the Feast of Christmas.


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