This postcard photograph was not mailed, and it lacks any identification of the two boys.
I assume that the two are brothers or otherwise related to one another;
they share similar features.
Dressed in clean white shirts and knickers, they may be observing the Sabbath or celebrating an event such as a birthday.
They are dissimilar in the matter of footwear.
One wears the high, laced shoe which was typical for almost all men of the era; the other is barefooted.
It may be that the taller boy was quicker in removing his shoes when returning from Sunday School.
One may forget that going in barefeet was the norm for most children of the early 20th century.
Shoes were uncomfortable and expensive, and almost all children preferred bare feet.
For most youngsters, shoes were worn only when going away or attending school.
(Although one can find numerous school pictures of barefooted children circa 1910.)
Here, the boys pose casually on the wooden sidewalk in front of the porch at the front of the house.
In the full image, a third child is barely visible on the left.
I am not sure why the third child, which may be a girl, was not included in the photo.
One hopes that each of the children was happy and successful in the coming years.