Swallows Bring Best Wishes – Long Island City, NY (1909)

Miss Addie Woodruff lived in Long Island City, a commercial and residential neighborhood along the East River in the Borough of Queens in New York City.


In June of 1909, Addie received a postcard from her friend, Ida.

Ida mailed the postcard from Flushing, a neighborhood to the east of Long Island City – in Queens.

Flushing now boasts a large commercial base which serves a very multi-cultural population.


The face of the postcard bears a charming drawing of a rural dwelling beside a stream; a pair of swallows dart across the scene.

At the side, a ribbon secures a bunch of pink blossoms.

“Best Wishes” is printed in a pale, lavender ink, across the lower right.

The postcard was printed in Europe.

On the reverse, Ida writes: “Don’t forget to write soon”.

The message is sent, “Lovingly”.

One hopes that Addie did write to Ida, and that the two remained friends and correspondents for many years.


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