“Thanksgiving Cheer” to Berks County – Reading, PA (1921)

A hundred years ago, Mrs. M. Emma Dunn lived in Reading.

(Her address is 1510 Hawk Street; I cannot find that the house is still standing there.)

In November of 1921, Emma received a Thanksgiving postcard from Coatesville, PA – a city about 30 miles south of Reading, in Chester County.

Unfortunately, I cannot decipher the name (“and family”) of the sender.

The postcard, printed in the United States, features an illustration of a child sitting atop an enormous pumpkin, another child leans against the large squash.

On the adjacent table, a colorful turkey stands solemnly, illuminated by a candle.

The legend, a folksy rhyme, expresses a wish that the correspondents could share Thanksgiving cheer together.

One hopes that Mrs. Dunn and her friends in Coatesville enjoyed a cheerful Thanksgiving.

May all the readers of the postcard stories experience the joy of Thanksgiving.


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