Rudyard Kipling, the Anglo-Indian writer, essayist, poet and journalist, was one of the leading literary figures in the late 19th century. Kipling was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907.
It is ironic that the author of works describing and celebrating the world-wide British Empire should make a home in New England for a significant part of his writing career.
In January of 1892, Kipling married Carrie Balestier in London. The couple took a honeymoon trip across the US and to Japan.
Carrie’s parents and a brother lived in Vermont, and the Kiplings’ visit there led to a strong attraction to this part of New England.
From 1892 until 1896, the Kipling family lived in a rented cottage and then in a house ( named “Naulakha,”) that they built to their own design near Brattleboro, Vermont.
There, Kipling completed some of his best-loved works, Including “The Jungle Books”, “Captains Courageous”, and the collection of poems, “Barracks-Room Ballads”.
Brattleboro is a lovely town in the Valley of the Connecticut River, which is the border of neighboring New Hampshire.,_Vermont
The Kipling home in the US still stands; it is a National Historic Landmark.
This postcard photograph of Kipling’s American home was made about 1930, after the Kipling family had returned to England.
There is no identification of a printer or publisher.
The postcard was not mailed, but was probably collected by some one traveling through New England.
On the reverse, a hand-written “1938” seems to reflect the date of a visit to the site.