The Gipe Family of York

The Gipe Family of York – circa 1915

Sometime around 1915, Jacob and Minnie (Mundis) Gipe had a family portrait made at the Pen Park Gallery on College Avenue in York, PA.

We know this because a thoughtful and kind soul inscribed the names of the family members on the reverse of the photo.

The young sons of Jake and Min, Earl and Elwood, are dressed in the elaborate, decorative fashion that was common for children in the early 20th century.

(Once again, however, I cannot resist noting how uncomfortable it must have been to have a large bow around one’s neck.)

The family name of “Gipe” has a long history in York County.

Due to his less-common name, “Elwood Gipe” was easily located on-line.

He was born in Windsor Township, married June Brodbeck, served in the Army during WW II, and died in 1975.

The family of Elwood Gipe worshipped at Shenberger’s United Methodist Church in Red Lion.

There were no children.

This handsome picture shows the promise of the young family.

One hopes that each of the family members enjoyed a rich and rewarding life.


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