On this site, one can find another postcard featuring a Guardian Angel.
That postcard, mailed to Marietta, PA, depicted an Angel rescuing two children playing on the trolley track.
Today, we have another image of a Guardian Angel – this one showing the heavenly guardian preventing two children from tipping their boat into the water.
As noted earlier, the recognition of a supernatural, tutelary being is common to many cultures and religious traditions.
This postcard was mailed from Shoemakersville, a borough in northern Berks County – founded by Charles and Henry Shoemaker in the 18th century.
The richly-adorned and embossed drawing was printed in Bavaria.
On the reverse, a greeting for the New Year is inscribed by the sender – Minnie Unger.
Addressed to Mr. Frank Guldin of Reading, the postcard was received in Reading on December 27, 1907.
May angels and ministers of light guard us all in the vicissitudes of life!