It may be a college campus on which these young men are casually posed with musical instruments.
The postcard lacks any indication of place or of the date.
The reverse of the postcard is devoid of any studio mark or other clue to its provenance.
At the turn of the twentieth century, musical societies and glee clubs proliferated on college campuses.
Although the state colleges and Normal Schools were co-educational in 1910, most private colleges were not.
The postcard photograph was not mailed, and is marred by defects that are not age-related.
It appears to have suffered burns, perhaps from cigarettes, and to have been stored carelessly.
I assume that it was an amateur photographer who took the shot.
While any group of college students may appear confident and purposeful, the poses of these young men are much more relaxed and natural than the poses of many early-20th century photographs.
This suggests to me that the group might represent some measure of wealth or privilege.