Thelma is Louder Than the Preacher – Stevens, PA (1912)

We met Mrs. Adam Borry in an earlier postcard story; she received a postcard from her young grandson, Russell, thanking her for the tie she sent him.

Mrs. Borry (Harriett) lived in Stevens, PA, but several of her children and grandchildren lived in Reading.,_Pennsylvania

In the Spring of 1912, Mrs. Borry received an Easter postcard.

This postcard, featuring a gilded cross adorned with lilies and the words, “Easter Greetings, was mailed to Mrs. Borry from Reading on April 4, 1912.

Written in an adult hand, but purported to be from the young granddaughter, Thelma, the writer reports…”you won’t know me anymore, I am getting so big…”

The note continues, “I can talk louder than the preacher at Church, wait until you hear me.”

In 1912, Mrs. Borry was living with herf husband, Adam Wike Borry.

(Unfortunately, Adam Borry died the next year, in 1913 at the age of 74.

The couple had 12 children, eight children who survived to adulthood.

One hopes that Mrs. Borry, her daughter, and the noisy Thelma enjoyed a blessed Easter Day.



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