A Mountain Village for Grace – Two Taverns, PA (1908)

Miss Grace Hartlaub lived in Two Taverns, an unincorporated village on the Baltimore Pike in Adams County of south-central Pennsylvania.

During the Battle of Gettysburg, Kilpatrick’s Union Cavalry prepared for action in this community.


In August of 1908, Grace received a beautiful postcard greeting from Ruth H.

The postcard was mailed from Littlestown, a borough in Adams County, originally called “Kleine Stedtle” by the German immigrants who first settled there. 

Littlestown is five miles southeast of Two Taverns.


The face of the is a nice bit of original postcard art, printed in Germany.

In an alpine valley, a few houses are clustered around the tall spire of a church.

On the reverse, Ruth inscribes, “To your sweetheart”

I thought that this might be an indication that Grace is a child.

However, I found the genealogical listing for Grace Fannie Hartlaub.

Grace was born in Adams County in 1892, the daughter of John Adam Hartlaub and Sarah Jane Cashman.

Thus, Grace would have been at least 15 years old when she received the postcard.

There was some sadness in Grace’s life, her mother died in 1906.

Grace’s father remarried, and Grace had 11 siblings or step-siblings.

It does not appear that Grace ever married, and she died in Adams County in 1986 at the age of 94.

The postcard was preserved in excellent condition which suggests that Grace treasured the keepsake from a friend.


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