Mr. Aug. Eimer lived at 205 Third Avenue in Manhattan.
In 1917, this neighborhood (between 18th and 19th Streets) still had remnants of the large German community that once occupied parts of lower Manhattan.
German-Americans were the largest ethnic group in New York City for many years (in the mid-19th century, Manhattan had more German natives than any city beside Berlin and Vienna).
Many buildings that housed schools, clubs, sporting groups, musical societies, and Lutheran churches still survive from this era.
On the upper East Side, the slow disappearance of German bakeries was still being discussed in the 1990’s.
On February 1, 1917, Mr Eimar received a postcard from the Secretary of the Union Bowling Club summoning him to a special meeting that night.
Joseph (or Josef) Gutbrod was the secretary.
The face of the postcard announcement was a beautiful illustration of the city of Waren on Lake Muritz in Mecklenburg, Germany.
This ancient city (the oldest named by geographers in non-Roman Germany) was once a market center and spa town in northeast Germany, not far from the Black Sea.
Alas, World War II and the Soviet occupation of East Germany left much of the old city in ruins, although numerous landmarks survive today.
I feel confident that the Union Bowling Club had been formed as a German club.
(Sadly, anti-German feeling during World War I contributed greatly to the rapid assimilation of German groups and associations.
One hopes that Mr. Eimar (Augustus?) was able to attend the special meeting and that the matters under consideration were resolved successfully.