Ethel Visits Quebec – Falconer, NY (1931)

Alma, Mrs. W. O. Smith, lived in Falconer – a village in Chautauqua County of southwest New York.

In August of 1931, Alma received a postcard from Ethel who was spending a few days in Quebec after a two-week vacation in Maine.

(Ethel had stayed at Cobbosseecontee Lake – a center of camping, fishing, and water recreation in southern Maine.)

The face of the postcard bears an illustration of Chateau Frontenac and the lower town.

Published by Librairie Garneau of Quebec, the postcard was printed in the United States.

It may be that Ethel felt some regret at leaving this charming city, the center of French culture and Old World beauty in North America.

But, “we start for home tomorrow”, Ethel writes.

One hopes Alma enjoyed this view of Quebec, that Ethel returned safely to her home, and that the correspondents had occasion to share more postcards in the future.


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