Sometime around 1910, Anna Mary Mann was given a postcard from George W. Gamble.
Without an address or a postmark, it is very difficult to determine where Miss Mann or Mr. Gamble were living.
Fortunately, we met both correspondents in an earlier postcard story.
George Gamble taught school in York County, PA, and Anna Mary was his student.
The face of this postcard is a delightful photograph of a trolley on East State Street in Harrisburg.
The trolley is traveling on a very wide roadway, bordered with foliage.
Harrisburg, the capital city of Pennsylvania, lies on the east bank of the Susquehanna River.,_Pennsylvania
The postcard photograph was published by J. B. Hoffman of Harrisburg; the image was printed in Germany.
That Mr. Gamble presented two scenes related to transportation in Harrisburg might suggest that he resided near that city.
The east end of Harrisburg now boasts two large highway interchanges, and I do not know how the photograph compares to the current configuration.
The lack of a message on the reverse suggests that the postcard was given as an award at school.
One hopes that Mr. Gamble’s rewards had the desired effect of increasing the diligence and success of his students.