Miss Velma Magley lived in Hillsdale, a town on the border of Massachusetts in east central New York.
We have seen other postcards from the large postcard collection that Velma made.
In February of 1914, Velma received a Valentine postcard from her Aunt Cora.
(The postmark is badly smudged; it is possible that this is another year near 1914.)
Aunt Cora mailed the Valentine greeting from another place in New York State.
On the face is a charming illustration of a cowgirl on horseback.
The accomplished rider, on a dashing white horse, has roped a heart.
The drawing is framed with a wooden border containing belts and guns.
In the corners of the frame are swastikas, which are jarring to contemporary eyes.
Until the rise of the Third Reich, however, the swastika was a common adornment on postcards -symbolizing good fortune.
Beneath the frame is a printed message, “Valentine Greetings”.
On the reverse, Aunt Cora inscribed a breezy message:
“Watch out for the lasso”.
One hopes that Velma enjoyed a wonderful celebration of St. Valentine’s Day, and that she and Aunt Cora continued a friendly correspondence for many years.