“Aunt Cora Sends a Thanksgiving Blessing” – Philmont, New York (1914)

Miss Velma Magley lived in Hillsdale, a town in Columbia County of east-central New York State – near the border of Massachusetts.


We met Velma in another postcard story:

In November of 1914, Velma received a Thanksgiving postcard from her Aunt Cora.

Aunt Cora mailed the greeting from Philmont, a town in the Taconic Mountains about 12 miles northwest of Hillsdale.


The face of the postcard displays three focal points, a lovely medallion drawing of a table on which apples are peeled, a verse that invokes blessings for the ‘auspicious day”, and a banner proclaiming “Thanksgiving Wishes”.

Around the banner is a charming sketch of apples being gathered from a hillside orchard.

The verse in the center, invokes:

“Wealth to provide and health to enjoy the auspicious day are my Thanksgiving Wishes”.

On the reverse, Aunt Cora inscribes only her name – having expressed her Thanksgiving wishes on the face.

One hopes that Velma and her Aunt Cora enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving and that they maintained a friendly correspondence for many years.


Velma Elizabeth Magley was born in Columbia County, NY in 1895.

Her parents were Homer Magley (1871-1961) and Ella Blanche Miller (1870-1945).

Velma had two sisters and one brother.

In April of 1917, Velma married Julius Wilcox (1889-1953).

Velma and Julius had one son and one daughter.

Velma died in 1988 and is buried in the Methodist cemetery in Copake – a town a few miles south of Hillsdale.

“Aunt Cora” is Cora Magley (1881-1958), the unmarried sister of Velma’s father -Homer Mageley.

Velma was nineteen years old when she received the Thanksgiving postcard from her aunt, who was 33 years old.


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