Laura Sangrey lived in Millersville, the college town in Lancaster County of southeast Pennsylvania.
Millersville was the site of Pennsyvania’s first “Normal School” -which became the foundation of the State University System.,_Pennsylvania
In December of 1909, Laura received a card (or cards) from her cousin, Miss Erma Townsley of Wrightsville.
Wrightsville is a lovely town overlooking the Susquehanna River, about 12 miles west of Millersville.,_Pennsylvania
The cards from Cousin Erma may have been Christmas postcards.
On December 29, Laura sends to Erma a postcard adorned with a colorful illustration of roses.
The postcard was printed in Europe, but I cannot discern a publisher’s mark.
In her message on the reverse, Laura acknowledges the cards she received and describes her tardy response as “better late than never.”
One hopes that Cousin Emma was glad to receive the belated greeting and that Laura was more thoughtful in following years.