Christmas was over, and Elmer was bored.
“We don’t do much but sit in the house”, he reports.
Elmer anticipated that he will “be here all winter”.
To make things worse, Elmer had a cold.
On January 9, 1911, Elmer wrote to his friend, Alta Blackmer.
Alta lived in Beloit, a charming city in south-central Wisconsin.
This area was settled by emigrants from New Hampshire who found that the hilly region reminded them of New England.,_Wisconsin
The face of the postcard is a photograph of a loving couple dressed in fine summer clothes.
The young lady carries a parasol and the young man wears a wide-brimmed, straw hat.
The legend, “They Met by Chance” must have given hope to thousands of young people who felt isolated on farms, and in villages and rural areas where prospective suitors were scarce.
The postcard was copyrighted in 1910 by P. J. Plant.
On the reverse, Elmer does mention his attendance at an estate auction; the “things sold just fair”.
I sympathize with poor Elmer who seems irritated by Vera who “stands around and wants me to notice her new dress”.
Fortunately, Elmer was expecting company that evening and they were bringing a phonograph.
Perhaps a bit of lively music or dancing would raise Elmer’s spirits.
One hopes that he and Alta remained friends and correspondents, and that they enjoyed happiness and excitement in the Spring.