Miss Barbara Brauman lived in Buffalo, then a great center of industry and manufacturing on Lake Erie in western New York.
In May of 1909, Barbara received a postcard from Frank who was in Canada.
Frank sent a postcard from Crystal Beach, Ontario, then a small community of officers who ensured security of the waterfront of northern Lake Erie.
Crystal Beach lies across Lake Erie from the city of Buffalo.
(In the 1920’s, Crystal Beach entered a few decades of prosperity when a resort was developed there.)
The face of the postcard is a very nice print of an original painting.
A sailing ship at sea is shown beside a smaller craft; in the foreground, a buoy bobs on the waves.
I cannot decipher the artist’s name on the lower left of the face.
The high-quality print was made in Europe, although the publisher is not recognized by me.
On the reverse, Frank writes, “I am spending a few days with the sailors at Point Abino.
Point Abino is a rocky peninsula jutting into shoals of Lake Erie west of Crystal Beach.
It is 10 miles across Lake Erie from Buffalo, NY.
The US sought a lighthouse there since 1855, to protect shipping for the port of Buffalo.
A link in the Comments tells the fascinating story of how the peninsula developed.
The brief postcard message does not offer many clues about Frank.
One does not know if he was concerned with some kind of maritime commerce or was involved in the navy or the merchant marines.
One hopes that Barbara enjoyed the lovely postcard, and that Frank enjoyed his visit with the sailors at the picturesque spots on Lake Erie.