Joseph Sends Easter Joy – 1923

Easter fell on the first of April in 1923.

Sometime near that date, Lawrence Butt (Laurence Butts?) received an Easter postcard from Joseph Weber.

The postcard, printed in the United States, features a simple watercolor drawing of two chicks, a sprig of pussy willow, and a broken eggshell, in a Springtime landscape.

Above the drawing is a legend expressing a hope that “Easter Joy Attend You”.

O the reverse, Joseph Weber inscribed his name, “Jos. B. Weber”, and the year, “1923”.

A quick internet search reveals numerous persons bearing each of the correspondents’ names in 1923, but I am unable to discover any clues that would link any of the names or identify the individuals connected by this postcard.

I any event, one hopes that the postcard was received with gladness and that the friends celebrated a joyous Easter.


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