Miss Grace Latham lived in Albany, the capitol city on the Hudson River in central New York.
We have seen other postcards related to Albany in the early 20th century.
In the last days of December, 1911, Grace received a New Year greeting.
The postcard was sent by Libbie in Corinth, New York.
Corinth is a town in central New York State, on the Hudson River and north of Saratoga Springs.
The face of the postcard is a colorful and crowded illustration.
A large bluebird, clasping a branch of holly, dominates the center of the face.
Beneath the Bird and holly is a medallion illustration of a village in winter.
A small banner proclaims, “Happy New Year”.
On the reverse, we learn that the postcard is from the publisher’s “New Year Series”.
The embossed images make the postmark difficult to read.
Libbie begins her message by telling Grace that she is “so glad to hear your mother is better”.
Libbie reports that “we are all well”.
Although she is “quite busy”, Libbie was able to spend Christmas Day skating.
It may be that Grace also enjoys Ice-skating, as Libbie notes, “I wish you were here”.
One hopes that Grace was able to pay a visit to Libbie and that the friends enjoyed a wonderful year in 1912.