Miss Charlton Greets Master Sherman – Rockville, Maryland (1922)

Master Sherman Linton was a boy in Rockville, a city developed at the meeting of rivers and creeks near Washington, DC.


We know that Sherman is a boy, as he is addressed with the honorific title of “Master”.

In November of 1922, Sherman received a postcard from “Miss Charlton”.

The postcard was mailed from Hancock, a town in northwestern Maryland near the borders of Pennsylvania and West Virginia.


Initially, I thought that Miss Charlton might be a school-teacher or Sunday School teacher, but the distance between the towns makes that implausible.

Hancock is about 80 miles northwest of Rockville.

The face of the postcard bears a drawing of a group of turkeys on a wintry landscape.

The drawing of turkeys is balanced by the image of a girl wearing a fur hat and stole, and clutching a fur muff.

A printed legend reads: “Cordial Thanksgiving Greetings”.

It seems that young Master Linton was pleased by the postcard as it was preserved in good condition for more than a century.

One hopes that he and Miss Charlton enjoyed a delightful Thanksgiving.


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