“My Underalls” – Copyright 1906

Some time ago, we saw the postcard drawing of a girl in blue, faded overalls.

The artwork was titled, “My Overalls”.

This postcard is a companion piece, entitled, “My Underalls”.

Both postcards were copyright in 1906 by S. S. Porter, a prolific postcard publisher of the early 20th century.

Porter designed and published postcards from his studio in Chicago.

This girl is wearing a white blouse of shift, although the belt at the waist appears like a separate pair of short pants or knickers.

The title of the unsigned drawing suggests that these garments are worn under the overalls.

Our heroine, with a cute, plump face, seems comfortable while modeling her underalls.

I am not a student of fashion, but it seems that children’s clothing – like that of adults -has evolved in many ways in the last century.


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