Pearl Dreads the Examination in Grammar – January, 1913
In January of 1913, Pearl sent a postcard greeting to her cousin, Grace, who lived in Luther, Iowa.
(Luther is a very small city about 30 miles northwest of Des Moines.)
I cannot decipher the postmark of the place from which Pearl mailed the postcard.
The postcard features a brightly-colored and gilded illustration of a lovely vessel surrounded by roses.
There is a printer’s mark which I do not recognize; the postcard was produced in the US.
Pearl writes that she “will drop you a few lines tonight”, and explains that she is “going to have examination tomorrow at school” and that she “dreads grammar”.
As one who, decades after completing graduate school, still has occasional anxiety dreams about surprise tests, forgotten classes, or overdue classroom assignments, I sympathize with Pearl.
One hopes that Pearl performed well in her examinations and that she and Grace enjoyed the winter of 1913.