In large immigrant communities across the US, one can find statues and monuments to the heroes of the European homeland.
In other postcard stories, we have discussed the Humboldt statue in Chicago.
Holland, Michigan was the center of a large Dutch settlement in the US.
The city, a center of Dutch Reformed institutions maintained and celebrated many traditions of Dutch culture.
Sometime in the early 20th Century, The Holland Rusk Company of Holland, Michigan published advertising postcards.
Holland Rusks are round, flat biscuits with a crunchy texture.
The product is still available, but the Holland Rusk Company appears to have been subsumed within a larger produce company.
The face of the advertising postcard is a photograph of a monument to Rembrandt that stands in Amsterdam.
Rembrandt is perhaps the best known Dutch painter of the “Golden Age” of Dutch painting in the 17th century.
The Netherlands celebrated the painter with a sculpture in Amsterdam, and it is a photograph of this monument on the face of the Holland Rusk advertisement.
The advertisement was never mailed; it may have been collected in someone’s postcard album.
On the reverse, we learn that the Holland Rusk, a “Dainty Dutch Delicacy” is “Good all day”.