Miss Matie L. Jones lived in Shelbyville, a city in central Tennessee.
Although it has an industrial base today, Shelbyville was the center of Tennessee horse country for many years.
In June of 1908, Auntie sent a postcard Mattie about an exciting excursion that was to take place on Tuesday.
Auntie wrote from Fayetteville, a small city in south-central
The face of the postcard is an idyllic rural scene called, “Peaceful Valley”.
Amid gently-sloping hills, a cottage stands above a winding stream.
I cannot find any identification of the postcard artist or of the publisher.
On the reverse, Auntie describes the arrangements for the excursion.
Auntie and Evelyn will take the early train; Ethel may join them or wait for a later train.
It seems that there is a lot of interest in this event from the people of Fayetteville; Auntie writes, “a good many…are going from this place”.
“Our Pastor” is planning to join the group.
One wishes to know what event was occurring on a week-day in June.
A quick internet search did not disclose any events in rural Tennessee at this time and place.
It may have been a Camp Meeting, an area festival, a dedication, or a noted public address.
Whatever the occasion, one hope that the travelers enjoyed the journey and the event, and that they returned safely to their homes in the Spring of 1908.