“The Libby Steps” – March, 1918

Although this image is not as sharp as we might wish, it commemorates very well a family who lived in Maine circa 1918.

This postcard photograph, clearly dated, shows six children and youths standing in a line – on what appears to be a porch.

On the reverse, a thoughtful soul has listed the names and ages of each person in the photograph.

We have:

Arthur – 19

Bernice – 17

Margaret – 15

Irene – 12

Cathleen – 10

Clifton – 2

The ensemble is identified as “The Libby Steps”.

I thought the title might refer to the children as step-siblings; a dedicated reader found the family of six children.

Arthur Willis Libby, born 1859, lived in Maine.

Arthur married Inez Haskill, and later, Georgina Clements. 

The genealogical data base suggests that all the children were born to the second wife – making the “step” title a reference to the children’s heights.


One hopes that the six “Steps” enjoyed success and happiness in their lives.


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