“The Male is Late” – Perry, Kansas (1907)

Effie Hart lived in Great Falls, a city on the Missouri River in west central Montana.  The city now profits from hydro-electric dams that are powered by the falls that gave the name to the city.

(Lewis and Clark spent days of difficult portage around the series of falls when they explored the area on their expedition.)

In November of 1907, Effie received a comic postcard from her friend, C.G.(?) who lived in Perry, Kansas.

Perry is a small city between Topeka and Kansas City in the northeast corner of Kansas.  The town was created when the first railroad was laid through the area, and named for an officer of the Railroad company.  Today, it remains a rural community, although only 50 miles from neighboring cities.

The postcard features an illustration of a woman waiting on a bench, the setting appears to be a park.

The woman yawns, and the legend states, “The Male is Late”.

Published by the Bamforth Company of England, the postcard was printed in Great Britain.

(A few weeks ago, we saw another comic postcard by Bamforth which depicted an enormous mustache.)

The woman’s dress Is exquisitely colored in this postcard.

Faintly visible on the face is a message in pencil.  It includes the assurance that “Everybody well at home”.

One hopes that Effie was amused by the postcard from her friend.

#GreatFallsMontana, #PerryKansas, #EffieHart, #TheMaleisLate, #BamforthCompany, #PrintedinGreatBritain, #postmark1907


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