The Mess of Unpaved Streets – Mifflin, PA (1910)

Miss Mary Oren lived in Newport, a town that grew up near a ferry on the Juniata River and became “Newport” when the Pennsylvania Canal system was built.

In 1910, Newport was also served by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the station is abandoned today.,_Pennsylvania

Sometime in 1910, Mary received a postcard from her friend, Alice, who was in Mifflin, PA.

Newport is in Perry County of central Pa; Mifflin is in adjacent Juniata County.

(Juniata County has a borough of “Mifflin” and a borough of “Mifflintown”; Mifflintown is the County Seat.)

The postcard from Alice featured a photograph of the Main Street in Mifflin.,_Pennsylvania

The unpaved streets are bordered by drainage canals to carry away rainwater (which also carried a considerable amount of horse manure).

In the foreground, one can see the stone steps that provided a relatively un-muddied passage across the filthy street.

One also notices the “drawbridges” erected by shopkeepers to give shoppers a means to cross the drainage channels .

The Wiki articles include contemporary views of the boroughs of Newport and Mifflin.

On the reverse, Alice asks jokingly, “bet you miss me”.

One hopes that Alice and Mary remained friends and correspondents for many years.


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