In the summer of 1924, Maurice and his party were taking a road trip.
From Twin Falls, Idaho, Maurice sent a postcard to a friend in Connecticut.
Twin Falls is a city on the Snake River in south-central Idaho.
Falls on the Snake River attract tourists today, but early explorers came to grief when trying to navigate the Snake River in 1812,,_Idaho
Mr. Richard Raymond lived in Norwich, a city built at the confluence of three rivers flowing toward the Long Island Sound in southeast Connecticut.
Steamship connections to New York City made Norwich a center of industry and trade since the mid-19th century.,_Connecticut
The face of the postcard is a photograph of cattle grazing in an upland meadow.
The legend identifies the scene as “Preston, Idaho”, but one can not be sure that this is not a generic scene to which an enterprising printer has added a local place name.
Preston is a small city in southeast Idaho.
It is near the site of the infamous Bear River Massacre of 1863. Today, Preston is known as the home of the “Idaho Festival of Lights” – a month long city celebration after Thanksgiving that includes a Bed Race down the main street.,_Idaho
On the reverse of the postcard, Maurice reports that, “we had our first puncture today”.
If Maurice had driven from Connecticut, that is a remarkable streak of good fortune.
The variable condition of roads and highways in 1924 often led to driving delays for tire repair.
According to Maurice, the weather is “some hot here today”.
The road trip is continuing, “we hope to make Portland some time Saturday”.
Maurice expresses a wish that Richard could have shared the trip “to see some of the scenery”.
One hopes that Richard was pleased to receive the memento from the auto journey, and that Maurice and his party completed the summer auto tour successfully.