Young Charlie Zimmerman lived in Plumville, a small borough in a mountain valley about 62 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
The community was named for an abundance of wild plums that once grew nearby.
In November of 1909, “Master Charlie” received a postcard with a drawing of deer in Autumn fields.
The deer may be feeding on the garden beds of “winter cabbage”; the evidence of the grain or hay harvest is seen in the distance.
The postcard was mailed from DuBois, PA, but the sender is not identified.
It could be Charlie’s Papa, who had very fine handwriting, but the absence of any endearment suggests that the postcard was sent by another person.
(I have another postcard to Master Charlie from his Papa who was working elsewhere.
That postcard, addressed to “Charlie Boy”, is full of tender expressions and a desire to see Charlie soon.)
Printed in Germany, this postcard was published by a firm whose insignia I have not learned to interpret.
One hopes that Charlie was delighted by the postcard and enjoyed the Fall of 1909.